Chen XinYu 陈欣宇

Chen XinYu

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Chen Xinyu is the youngest First Prize winner of the Pipa Junior, Youth and Open Category of the Singapore National Chinese Music Competition in years 2012, 2014 and 2016. At the age of 10, she was honored to be invited by the Singapore Chinese Orchestra to perform as a soloist at the world record-breaking Mega-Concert “Our People, Our Music 2014” featuring 5000 musicians at the National Stadium. She also won the first place of Youth Category (14 to 16 years old) at the Junior Golden Bell Pipa Competition 2019 and was invited to perform at the Prize Winners’ Concert. She is currently the Pipa principal of Singapore National Youth Chinese Orchestra.


In 2012, Chen Xinyu was admitted into the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts School of Young Talents at the tender age of 6 under the tutelage of Pipa performer and educator Liu Yan. At the age of 8, she clinched the first Prize in the Pipa Junior Category of the 2012 National Chinese Music Competition organized by the National Arts Council and was also featured as a soloist at the Prize Winners’ Concert. At the age of 9, she joined Singapore National Youth Chinese Orchestra (SNYCO) as the youngest member and performed as a Pipa soloist accompanied by Singapore Chinese Orchestra (SCO). At the age of 10, she clinched the 1st prize in the Pipa Youth category of the 2014 National Chinese Music Competition. She also performed as a soloist at the Temasek Holdings 40th Anniversary Dinner hosted at the Istana. At the age of 11, she received the Best Stage Presence Award at the Young Talent Project 2015 and became the first Chinese Instrumentalist to do so. She also performed as a Pipa soloist at the “Fun with Music” concert accompanied by The Philharmonic Winds at Esplanade Concert Hall. At the age of 12, she emerged as the top-prize winner of the Pipa Open Category in the 2016 National Chinese Music Competition and also performed as a soloist accompanied by SCO at the Prize Winners’ Concert. At the age of 14, she performed “Apsaras on the Silk Road” accompanied by the SCO at the SNYCO and SCO Annual Concert – Dauntless Spirit 2018.  At the age of 15, she performed “Pelayaran (Voyage)” at the SNYCO Annual Concert – Exuberance of Youth IV.


Chen Xinyu was awarded the Edusave Entrance Scholarships for Independent Schools (EESIS) in 2016 and is currently studying in Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary).


陈欣宇(Chen Xinyu)8岁、10岁、12岁时参加新加坡全国华乐比赛,分别击败少年组、青年组和公开组的其他好手,成为年纪最小的三连冠获得者,并在2019年获得中国音乐“小金钟琵琶展演”业余少年B组金奖第一名。10岁时,她荣幸获邀在打破吉尼斯世界纪录,并有5000名乐手参与的“全民共乐2014”大型音乐会上担任琵琶独奏。她现在是新加坡国家青年华乐团琵琶首席。


2010年,6岁她进入南洋艺术学院华乐小天才班,师从著名琵琶演奏教育家刘燕。8岁以最小年龄夺得新加坡全国华乐比赛少年组冠军,并获选在颁奖礼音乐会上演出而崭露头角。9岁加入国家青年华乐团成为最年轻的团员,并首次受邀与新加坡华乐团合作演出琵琶协奏曲《天山之春》。10岁获得全国华乐比赛琵琶青年组冠军,并受邀在总统府举行的淡马锡控股40周年晚宴上演出琵琶独奏《彝族舞曲》。11岁参加Young Talent Project 2015,在这项新加坡西乐、声乐、华乐天才少年小艺术家同台竞技的比赛中,夺得最佳舞台表现奖,成为该比赛的第一位华乐获奖者。12岁她获得全国华乐比赛琵琶公开组的冠军。在颁奖晚会上,她在新加坡华乐团的伴奏下演出琵琶协奏曲《云想.花想》。同年她还受邀与新加坡爱乐乐团在滨海艺术中心音乐厅举办的 “Fun with Music”音乐会上演出《十面埋伏》。13岁与国家青年华乐团赴北京、上海巡演,演出琵琶协奏曲《云想.花想》。14岁她在新加坡华乐团和国家青年华乐团年度音乐会上演出了琵琶协奏曲《丝路飞天》。15岁她在国家青年华乐团年度音乐会上演奏了《飘扬过海》。同年她还获得中国音乐小金钟业余少年B组金奖第一名,并获选在颁奖礼音乐会上演奏《江南三月》。


2016年她获得教育部的自主学校教育储蓄入学奖学金(EESIS), 现就读于莱佛士女中。



XinYu’s News Clippings and Videos 欣宇的新闻报道和视频


1. 联合早报 2012年12月10日: 华乐赛八岁女童琵琶声扬威少年组


2. 联合早报 2014年6月19日: 全民共乐挑战健力士世界纪录 5200人齐打华族鼓


3. The Straits Times December 11, 2012: Pint-sized pipa player


4. 联合早报 2016年12月12日: 全国华乐比赛 12岁陈欣宇夺琵琶公开组冠军


5. 联合早报 2017年1月2日: 2017年艺坛新星-期待新光芒-陈欣宇:香港乐团捎来邀约


6. 郑州小荷琵琶艺术中心:年仅十岁的新加坡琵琶大赛冠军


7. 郑州小荷琵琶艺术中心:学琴路上的八个硬道理——写给女儿


8. Our People Our Music 2014, Spring of TianShan – 全民共乐2014,天山之春


9. NAFA School of Young Talents Concert, Ambush from Ten Sides – 南洋艺术学院少年儿童艺术学校音乐会,十面埋伏


10. 2012 Singapore National Chinese Music Competition, Spring of TianShan – 2012新加坡全国华乐比赛颁奖晚会,天山之春


11. 2016 Singapore National Chinese Music Competition – 2016新加坡全国华乐比赛颁奖晚会,云想花想


12. 2018 SNYCO and SCO Annual Concert – Apsaras on the Silk Road – 2018新加坡华乐团和国家青年华乐团年度音乐会,丝路飞天